- When cousins' parents or aunts/uncles are not available, a cousin DNA test can be chosen to determine their relations. The cousin DNA test is not as conclusive a parentage test or an Aunt and Uncle test.
- Our laboratory calculates their kinship index value based on the genetic profiles of putative cousins.
- Kinship index value is >10, support for relationship
- Kinship index value is < 0.1, no support for relationship
- Kinship index value is between 0.1 and 10, inconclusive for relationship
- Once you order your tests, we will send you a DNA collection kit which contains all the necessary material for the collection and instructions. Please sign the consent form, collect your DNA sample and send sample back to our lab.
- If any sample's test fails to get valid data, we can provide you 2nd test for free. You only pay the shipping for re-collection kit
Cousin DNA Test (two cousins)
Excluding Sales Tax
If you cancel your test before our kit is shipped. You can get 100% refund. If you cancel your test after our kit is shipped, but we have not received your collected sample, you can get 50% refund. If you cancel your test after we have received your collected sample, you can not get refund. Once we have received your sample, the sample has entered the test precedure.
Results of the test are issued in 1 to 3 days following the receipt of the samples at our laboratory.